
About Me

Don't allow yourself to be fooled by the title of this page, the likelihood is that you'll learn very little about me from here. Much more about my character, likes, dislikes, and opinions will become apparent to you upon regular reading of the blog. 

But here's me in shorthand, so that you can decide if it's worth your time to read my posts. 

I'm a former student of the law. Having spent a few years masquerading as a worker, I am back in university, this time reading Theology. I am an Ordinand/Seminarian/Trainee Minister/Trainee Vicar/General Dogsbody in the Church in Wales, which is the independent Welsh Anglican Church in this Province. 

I blog and tweet about most things though the law, religion, politics, and Star Wars feature highly.  

I'd like to be known as a cheeky, and intellectual, left-leaning Christ follower; but it's more likely you'll come to know me as a miserly, and pedantic, Christo-socialist.
But that's fine, for now.